Enhance efficiency, promote transparency, and empower your organization.
Online permitting including digital plan submission, inspection scheduling requests, online fee payment, and resubmittal management.
Plan Review
Our Development Review module is valued for its ability to organize the submission and review of complex information and processes.
Schedule and complete inspections for building permits. Enforce inspection sequencing, reinspection fees, email inspection reports, and configure checklists. Provide real-time access in the field for inspectors.
Manage complex projects, staff reviews, resubmittals, and meeting. Generate agendas, share submitted plans, and follow project conditiongs through the permitting phase.
Code Enforcement
Track cases from the complaint to resolution (abatement with work orders, or adjudication). Inspectors can use mobile devices in the field to take and attach photos and print notices.
Manage all types of licenses, registrations, and certifications. Track renewals, inspections, and fee payments.
Work Orders
Integrate your infrastructure, asset management, and inventory, while documenting tasks, completed actions, materials used, labor, and much more.
Track both real and movable property, gain the ability to view maintenance and related inventory on Public Assets.
See how our solutions can help your community.